December 19, 2012
The Parents Association held a Christmas draw with lots of great prizes.
Funds were being raised to support the Gymnastics and Chess programmes which were run for the boys in Term 1. Tickets were sold to family and friends and there was a great response. We would like to thank Buckleys Super-Valu Birr, Harte Fuels and Costcutters Birr for their very generous sponsorship of prizes (Pictured). Santa was on hand during his annual visit to the school (organised by our Parents Association) to pick out the winning tickets as the school assembly. Thanks to Mick Hansbury and Birr Fire service for making sure Santa got to the school this year !
We wish everyone a very happy Christmas and we look forward to your help and support in 2013.
December 14, 2012
Santas reindeer have been busy in November and December like all the boys at
St. Brendans PS. The boys have been learning and the reindeer have been eating to get
their strenght up for the big trip around the world with Santa!
Question is:
How many Reindeer Biscuits have all the 9 reindeer eaten altogether?
Dasher/ Dancer / Prancer / Vixen / Comet / Cupid / Donner / Blitzen and Rudolph
Look at the posts in November and December to find the 8 answers.
Then write them down, add them up..
and give the piece of paper with all the answers and the final answer to your teacher
by Thursday..Prizes to be given!!
Enjoy and happy searching….
December 14, 2012
We have been very fortunate to have had 6 weeks of excellent chess tuition for our
boys in 4th , 5th and 6th classes.
Donner and Blitzen both ate 3 Reindeer biscuits each.
The boys really enjoyed the games and learnt
new skills. Studies have shown the benefits that playing chess can have on areas such as
problem solving and concentration on tasks. Big thanks to all the boys for their
excellent bahaviour, the PA and all parents who fundraised to part support the costs
and to the lovely Mr.Alfred who we hope to see back again next year!!
December 11, 2012
St. Brendans is once again a hive of activity during the advent season as we prepare
for Christmas.
- Whole school assembly for each week of advent
- Class art lessons with christmas theme
- school crib constructed
- Folens Christmas annuals on sale
Cupid was in love! and so ate 6 Reindeer biscuits
December 11, 2012
Boys from all classes were delighted to see Luke Lally (first Class) appear as a toy
reviewer on the Late Late Toy Show. Luke was fantastic with Ryan Tubridy and all
at St. Brendans are proud of he represented himself and his school. He gave us a
taste of his talent on the school intercom on Monday with those famous words..
Comet ate 5 Reindeer biscuits ( as did Ryan Tubridy)

December 11, 2012
All classes from Junior Infants to 6th classes have enjoyed 6 weeks of fantastic
gymnatic lessons with the wonderful Emer Feehan. Thanks to all who are supporting the
parents association christmas draw which supports some of the costs of this programme.
Senior boys displayed some of their talents in the last week in a spectacular show
of skill, strenght and teamwork and it has been greatto see each boy achieve in
improving their skill level..Well done to Ms.Feehan on her 6 week programme and to
the 6th class boys in their “Cirque de Emer”
December 11, 2012
Boys from 2nd , 4th and 6th are just about to finish with 6 weeks Potteryclasses with
Finn O’Hara. Boys look forward to each Monday and have created a variety of pots,
clocks made from clay and other fantastic creations. Vixen ate 4 Reindeer biscuits.
As a special treat, Finn showed
each class the technique involved in spinning a pot. Looking forward to next year Finn!
December 11, 2012
Ms.kirwan continues to do great work with some boys each Thursday for their
cookery session. Prancer ate 2 Reindeer biscuits.The boys are creating great food and the reports and recipes are produced
for all to learn from. Looking forward to your next creations lads !
December 11, 2012
During national science week ,many classes undertook a variety of experiments and
the exploration of the world of science. 3rd class (Ms.Doyle ) focused on the area
of electricity and the boys enjoyed the experiements.
Dancer ate 3 Reindeer biscuits.
December 11, 2012
Bishop Kieran O’Reilly was warmly welcomed to St.Brendans Boys Primary school last Friday. The Bishop was making his first visit to the school as part of a tour of the local parish national schools. The Bishop arrived to the school with Fr.David during break time and immediately was engulfed by a sea of boys abandoning the game of soccer and wishing to introduce themselves and shake his hand. After plenty of hand-shaking he met the staff over a cup of tea and then proceeded to meet our 6th class boys who are preparing for confirmation. They had a lovely chat with plenty of questions from the boys before coming to the school hall as Guest of Honour at our annual November remembrance service. He took part in our service which was filled with song, music and prayer. The Bishop then spoke to the boys and asked them to go home and tell their families that he had said “Hi” and that they had a lovely school. Bishop Kieran then departed to the next school and the boys were rewarded for their excellent uniforms, behaviour and attitude by the treat of no homework the next Monday. What a blessing!
Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer ate DOUBLE (Twice) the amount of biscuits eaten by Comet.