Archive for: ‘September 2017’

School Calendar 2017-2018

September 22, 2017

St.Brendan’s PS                   School Calendar 2017/ 2018


School reopens                                                                           Thursday  31st August 2017

Mid Term Break                                      Closing                      Friday 27th   October 2017

Re-opening               Monday 6th    November 2017


Christmas Holidays                               Closing                        Friday  22nd December 2017                                                                                                                                                                            Re-opening                 Monday 8th January 2018


Mid Term Break                                    Closed                         Thursday 15th  February 2018

Closed                         Friday 16th February 2018


St. Patricks day                                     Closed                         Monday 19th March

* Easter Holidays                                  Closing                       Friday 23rd March  2018

Re-opening                Monday 9th  April 2018


May Bank Holiday weekend                  Closed                         Monday  7th   May 2018

Closed                         Tuesday  8th    May 2018


June Bank Holiday weekend                 Closed                         Friday 1st   June 2018

Closed                         Monday 4th   June 2018

Closed                         Tuesday 5th  June 2018


Summer Holidays                                   Closing                                    Thursday 28th  June 2018


* The Department of Education and skills has informed all schools that they may stay open for up to 3 days (During Easter Holidays) to make up for any time lost due to unforeseen closures if these occur during the school year 2016/2017. Eg: Weather


Kind regards,


Niall Crofton (Principal)