March 25, 2013
Bhain gach duine taitneamh as seachtain na gaeilge sa scoil. Irish music was flying for the week with greetings and conversations as Gaeilge widespread. The week culminated in our Lá Gaeilge where each class performed songs and poems in the hall for assembly. We were also treated to the first ever puppet show as Gaeilge in the school as Rang 5 boys performed “Goldilocks agus na trí bears” An-Mhaith buachaillí !
March 25, 2013
On Friday, March 8th last, our Junior Infant and Senior Infant mammies were invited to participate in a special occasion by their sons in honour of being the best mammies in the world.
The boys watched enthusiastically as Mrs. Lonergan demonstrated how to make a flower arrangement, emphasising that no two would be the same and that each arrangement would be unique and special. With a little help from mom, the boys quickly set to work and created beautiful flower arrangements that they were very proud of. There was a wonderful atmosphere in the hall as classical music played in the background.
It concluded with the boys giving their mums a big hug before returning to their classrooms for a treat. Mums enjoyed a cuppa with some homebaking while socialising with other mums. Thanks to all involved for a really lovely occasion
A great day was had by all!!
March 25, 2013
Well done to all the boys from 3rd/4th/5th and 6th classes who took part in spelling bees over the past few weeks. It has been a great activity for the boys and its great to see boys value the skill of spelling.
This was a new event to St.Brendans PS and no doubt will continue judging by the positive feedback!
Congratulations to school Champion speller Paul Stokes (5th) who represented the school at the Offaly spelling bee in Lumcloon NS
March 25, 2013
It was a wonderful occasion to see our pupils artwork in a real art exhibition at the school on Tuesday 5th March. Justin from Images was not only impressed with the quality of artwork ( staff not included ! ) but the sense of community and warmth in the school as parents chatted and relaxed with tea/coffee. In his over 11 years of travelling the country with these exhibits, OUR school had the highest sales/response of any urban all-boys school. Unsold paintings will remain on display in the school until after easter.
The exhibition was formally opened by past pupil Daryl Lally who we were delighted to welcome back as a fantastic role model for our boys in his appreciation and involvement with the arts. This exhibition was the result of many months of art preparation by the boys and staff and the exhibition was a fitting conclusion to this project
Hope all artwork is hanging in pride of place in your homes!
March 25, 2013
Library books appeal—Tesco
Thank you all so much for your support of this free offer with the Saturday Irish Independent. After the 8 weeks were over , the school has collected a fantastic 345 FREE BOOKS !!!
Going to amazon for price comparison gives a rough cost of €5 per book. This means that our boys can now have use of over € 1700 worth of books from our school library. Thanks to all the families who collected tokens, to the boys who brought in the books, to the teachers who supported the appeal and to Mrs.Teresa Kelly for coming up with the idea of the collection and diligently went to classes each Monday to collect the books and encourage the boys. Currently these novels are being read in 2nd/ 4th and 6th class with the boys getting a great chance to enjoy the classics !