Our wonderful parents association held their annual Christmas draw in the hall on Tuesday – Santa picked out the first ticket which was €150 cash prize ( won by a lovely Ukrainian family in our school 💙💛) – Congratulations to all our prize winners and a massive thank you to all the local businesses for their continued support and generosity towards our school Parents Association St. Brendan’s Boys School, Birr
Category: ‘Parents’ Association’
Dec 24: Parents Ass. Xmas draw 2024
Nov 24: Parents Association BOOKATHON
Parents Association—BOOKATHON 2024
We had our prize giving for the Parents Association St. Brendan’s Boys School, Birr BOOKATHON 2024 ! Fantastic effort from the boys in reading lots of books over the last 3 weeks and their families for supporting with sponsorship – prizes were given out for the top reader in each class – the draw was won by Yegor – Sean McIntyre won the overall best reader award and the sponsor prize was won by Lisa Kelly – well done to all
Mr Crofton spoke to the group about the value and importance of reading and read them a lovely story “ dogs don’t do ballet “ about the importance of being yourself.
Local Councillor ( Now newly elected TD) John Clendennen also called at that time and boys were delighted to nap a picture with him!
Principal outlined to John that parents were fundraising for school materials that should be provided by the government #schoolfunding
Parents Association Bookathan Prizes 2024
Junior Infants: Nathan Szczepkowski
Senior Infants: Iarla Walsh (3)
1st Class: Cody Cleare (3)
2nd Class: Sam McIntyre (4)
3rd Class: Sam Hanniffy (2)
4th Class: Charlie McAuley (3)
5th Class: Sean McIntyre (3)
6th Class: Yegor Anspoks (3)
Cairdeas: Jason O’Callaghan (2)
Overall best reader:
Sam Mc Intyre 40 books over 4 weeks !!
Class Teacher winner:
Ms Guilfoyle 4th Class (12 boys)
June 2024: Parents Association
Parents Association
The Parents Association would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all students and families who so generously supported our recent end of year cake sale and raffle. We were honoured to present Teresa Kings fundraising campaign for the Oncology Unit Tullamore with a €200.00 cheque donation from the PA, which was very kindly matched by a €200.00 cheque from our very supportive BOM. Massive congratulations to all involved!
Everyone at the PA sends our best wishes to all the 6th class pupils who embark on the next chapter of their lives, we wish you every success in the future, Shine Bright! Bon Voyage also to Sinead Watkins, Karen Mooney and Patricia McAteer who end their tenure with the PA, we are truly grateful for your hard work, dedication and commitment to St Brendan’s PS over the last decade, you will be truly missed. The PA committee will resume this coming Autumn with new members always welcome.
Shona Canham Chairperson
Flower presentation to HSCL Ann Hennelly
Lovely presentation of flowers from our Parents Association St. Brendan’s Boys School, Birr to Ms Ann Hennelly as she has completed her 5 year contract as our Home school liaison teacher shared with Mercy primary – Ann did amazing work in the role and provided great support to families in both schools
– Ann return to class in Sept and wished the new HSCL Paula Carey well as she begins her 5 year contract in September – Presenting the flowers to Ann on behalf of PA was Karen Mooney ( former chairperson of PA ) who herself was attending her final school end year mass as parent after 14 years of her boys attending our school
Jan 24- New parental Complaints procedures
Dear Parents,
Please not the new procedures for every national school in Ireland.
These outline a clear pathway to ensure continued good home-school relationships at our school.
Kind regards,
Niall Crofton
Principal Teacher
12370c Parental_Complaints_Procedure_2024
BOM Annual CS review 2023 2024
Dignity at work Policy 2023
12370c Dignity at work policy 2023
This policy is an update from our previous Dignity at work policy and outlines the roles and responsibilities needed from all the education partners to ensure that St Brendans PS is a safe and rewarding place to work. Ratified by BOM 19th October 2023
Enrolment for September 2023
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to start our enrolment programme for 2023.
I will go around the classes wednesday and give our enrolment forms for any brothers in pre-school who may be looking to start in 2023.
Parents who wish to enrol their child for September 2023 please see below:
The Enrolment Application Form for the 2023 – 2024 school year is available as follows:
• Download at www.stbrendansps.ie under Forms and Policies • Email : principal@stbrendansps.ie.
• Contact the school principal Niall Crofton via message on the school facebook page. Leave a phone number and we will call you back.
• Forms can be collected from office each day 9am- 1pm.
• The school has published and displayed an admission notice as required by DES outlining the number of places available in Mainstream / Special classes.
Completed applications can be emailed back or dropped to the school post box at the front gate / posted to:
St. Brendan’s PS, Moorpark st, Birr, Co.Offaly
We would hope to be in contact with families confirming places for Junior Infants in the coming weeks and we can run the full induction programme with school visit in June.
Kind regards,
Niall Crofton ( School Principal)
Midland tribune new infants ad
Admission Notice 23/24
June 2020- 6th class Hoodies
St Brendan’s PS Birr – Class of 2020
We were so proud to say a huge thank you and congratulations to our 24 boys from 6th class last Wednesday night as they “graduated “ primary school.
In light of NPHET recommendations we held a “ virtual Graduation “ via ZOOM which was a great success.
The boys all wore their special “ Class of 2020 “ hoodies which were purchased for them all by our generous Parents Association and BOM.
Niall Crofton
(Principal Teacher)