Archive for: ‘June 2020’

June 2020- Junior Infant VIRTUAL induction chat

June 28, 2020

Another zoom milestone ! 1st ever zoom meeting for parents of junior infants starting in September 😀 Thanks to all the parents who managed to join us and thanks to Ms Hennelly and Ms Ryan for their helpful tips and advice 👍 Roll on September 😃

June 2020- 6th class Hoodies

June 28, 2020

St Brendan’s PS Birr – Class of 2020
We were so proud to say a huge thank you and congratulations to our 24 boys from 6th class last Wednesday night as they “graduated “ primary school.
In light of NPHET recommendations we held a “ virtual Graduation “ via ZOOM which was a great success.
The boys all wore their special “ Class of 2020 “ hoodies which were purchased for them all by our generous Parents Association and BOM.

Niall Crofton
(Principal Teacher)

June 2020- 6th Class VIRTUAL ZOOM graduation

June 28, 2020

St Brendan’s PS Birr – Class of 2020
We were so proud to say a huge thank you and congratulations to our 24 boys from 6th class last Wednesday night as they “graduated “ primary school.
In light of NPHET recommendations we held a “ virtual Graduation “ via ZOOM which was a great success.
The boys all wore their special “ Class of 2020 “ hoodies which were purchased for them all by our generous Parents Association and BOM.

All were welcomed the large crowd who logged on with passwords and thanked for adapting to use technology for this event.
Mr Crofton then shared a video montage of their photos from the past 8 years and their great activities from this year ( See our YOU TUBE channel)
The boys and their wonderful families heard some words of wisdom from Ms Lena Grace ( class teacher ) and Mr Niall Crofton ( School Principal).
The boys were thanked for their good example and leadership especially during the COVID19 closure where 6th class boys really engaged with school learning activities through SEESAW.
Their stats for May/June were incredible with 79% engagement and 1657 activities / journal entries. Setting the standard and leading from the front !

Mr Cunningham then shared the reflective and thought provoking story of the Pencil / pencil maker.
The boys then shared some of their best and favourite memories with the virtual crowd which was lovely.
Ms Dani Dunne ( SCP) then congratulated the boys on completing a great transition programme this year and wished them well next year at their new schools.
Finally the boys decided to become the 1st ever class at St Brendan’s to create a TIKTOK movie –
We showed their contributions to great fun and laughter.
All that was left was to wish all a safe and happy summer and we will meet for part 2 of the Graduation in late August ( NPHET allowing of course).
The boys will share their traditions hero projects and speeches with the outside crowd for this long standing tradition that hopefully not even COVID19 can stop !
Best wishes to all our school community for the summer break, NC 6th class 2020 – Photo movie of their past years at St Brendans PS 6th class TIKTOK movie !!!

Niall Crofton
(Principal Teacher)